Thursday, October 27, 2011

Nawlins Bound!

Greetings, Readers!
I realize I've been gone for a while - sorry about that - as usual on the homestead, work became all consuming and now that it was actually snowing this morning, we realize how behind the eight ball we are with all that needs to be done.  But none of that matters right now, because I am writing this from the Albany Airport awaiting our flight to New Orleans!

We had snow this morning, as we left for the airport
For those of you that don't know, Hubby and I were married six years ago on Halloween in post-Katrina New Orleans.  At that time, almost two months to the day of the storm, the city was limping along and working hard towards recovery.  Places in the French Quarter were reopening sporadically, while other areas were seriously decimated and would not be reopening for years.  It was an amazing experience, and an incredible testament to the spirit of the city.  This will be our first time back, and we are psyched to see what has changed and, naturally, to eat and drink to excess.  We will also be visiting with daughter Bonnie, a grad student at Tulane.

I want to give a shout-out/thank you to Debbie Philp of True North Yoga who hosted a Blogapalooza for me and Annie Gregson in which she helped us less cyber-saavy folks tweak our blogs, explain how some things work, and introduced me to some new software that will help me with pictures and whatnot.  The only problem was that Philps have wireless DSL, and both me and my computer became addicted in a short period of time to the speed you can actually work.  I may have to move in with them.

See you soon!

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